MERN Stack Development: Tools for Effective Development

Introduction The MERN stack development offers a detailed framework to build web applications using a cohesive set of technologies. There are four main components of this Stack, which are MongoDB, Express.js, React.js and Node.js and all of them work together to provide a more balanced structure to handle data storage, back-end routing, a front-end rendering…

4 Secrets to Build a Successful Remote Team

Introduction In the world of remote work, the role of a project manager has seen a dramatic transformation. Unlike the old traditional office work model, the remote world demands a subtle approach to guide the teams. In this article, we’ll talk about remote teams – the art of setting clear expectations. So, let’s begin the…

How Much Will You Save If You Hire Remote Developers?

Summary By hiring remote developers, you stand to gain more significant cost savings. It also means more flexibility, better scalability, and better business focus. Typically, savings come from reduced office-related expenses, flexible engagement models, and access to a global talent pool. When you outsource, you gain access to a more talented pool of developers with…

Remote Team: 7 Eye-opening Practices for Smooth Management

Introduction Until the last decade, remote working was seen as unconventional. WFH reminds us of parents balancing work and kids, and innovators following the 4-Hour Workweek. In reality, before the COVID-19 pandemic, about 5% of full-time office-based employees worked remotely. Whereas, nowadays 58% of job holders in the US have the option to work remotely…

9 Mistakes to Avoid for Smooth Project Management

Introduction A culture of working 9-5 has changed fundamentally in the past decade. Candidates are seen fulfilling their dream of working from the comfort of their house. Remote work is considered as the new normal. According to one study by Owl Labs, 71% of remote staff feel happy when they are allowed to work from…

How to Steer Clear Of Budget Overruns in Software Projects?

Summary Software projects are often complex and unpredictable and can easily exceed the initial budget if not managed properly. Budget overruns can have negative consequences for the client and the developer, such as reduced profitability, lower quality, missed deadlines, and damaged reputation. To avoid these pitfalls, here are some tips on how to steer clear…