Myths in IT Staff Augmentation: Regain Project Control

Introduction In the technology landscape, IT staff augmentation has become a key strategy for businesses seeking specialized skills. Yet, there are instances when organizations hear some myths about losing project control while leveraging IT Staff Augmentation services. This article will highlight the myths and realities surrounding IT staff augmentation for hiring remote developers. Before heading…

Solution for effortless project execution for remote team

Introduction Remote teams are becoming an integral part of the software development industry. As the demand for remote developers is increasing, organizations are finding it difficult to manage their teams properly. Remote project execution involves overseeing, organizing, and coordinating tasks & allocating the resources optimally amongst the team members. There are due considerations to be…

IT Staff Augmentation: Tackling Resource Scarcity

Introduction The IT staff augmentation market is rapidly expanding due to trends like AI, automation, remote work, and the demand for soft skills. The global IT staff augmentation services market is expected to grow at a 3.53% CAGR from 2021 to 2025, reaching a substantial incremental expenditure of $81.87 billion. The above statistics are proof…

Checklist of IT Staff Augmentation: A Complete Guide for 2024

Introduction The business landscape has turned upside down in the recent past. Organizations need to cope with the changing needs of the business landscape. The changing needs have led the businesses to become more competitive. As per Harvey Nash’s survey, the last three-quarters of IT companies reported an increase in technology expenditure. Recently, the UK’s…

Software Development Company : A secret to tackle skill scarcity

Introduction Since the past few years, there’s been a shortage of software developers, making it challenging to start or continue projects even though there’s a growing demand. Companies looking to succeed in this tech industry environment should understand the reasons behind this shortage and find ways to overcome it. Shortage of Software Developer is a…

Outsourcing vs. In-House: A Guide to Choosing Remote Services

Introduction Software development is a crucial aspect of any business that relies on technology to deliver value to its customers. Software development is also a complex and costly process that requires skilled professionals. This is the main reason businesses face a dilemma: should they develop software in-house or outsource it to a third-party provider? This…